How often does TransUnion update your credit report?

How long will it be before changes to my credit are reflected on my report?

A close up photo of a hand and wrist. A person is checking their watch. The arm has a brown jacket on it, and the watch has a broad face and deep red band.

TransUnion is recognized as one of the three major national credit reporting agencies. These agencies collect information about your borrowing habits and financial history to create a credit report. This report includes details like your credit card balances, loan payments, and any history of late payments or bankruptcies, and play a crucial role in determining an individual's creditworthiness. Often, individuals with positive credit histories do not realize the significance of their credit report until they encounter an unexpected issue.

Having a bad mark on your credit can lead to major financial consequences. This raises the question, how long does it take for my TransUnion credit report to update? The answer is complex, touching on both the frequency of updates by the agency and the amount of time a negative entry remains on your report.

How often does TransUnion update consumer credit reports?

TransUnion regularly updates consumer credit reports upon receiving new data from a credit reporting agency. These agencies typically provide updates every month or at a minimum, every 45 days. Therefore, credit reports at TransUnion are frequently refreshed with the latest information as it comes in.

What makes it tricky is how reporting agencies send out updates on different schedules. Because of this, you might notice your credit report changes several times within one week, or you might not see any changes for weeks. This all depends on how complex your credit situation is.

Credit scores are typically updated in sequence as a credit report updates.

How long will a negative mark stay on a TransUnion credit report?

Negative marks on a credit report will update at the same speed as regular or positive credit marks. How long these marks stay on the report depends on the type of negative claim. In general, expect to see a negative remark for 7 years before it will update and disappear.

Negative remarks, also called derogatory remarks, can include late payments, collections, account charge-offs, student loan delinquency or default, repossessions, bankruptcy, or foreclosure. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will stay on a credit report for 10 years.

How to remove a negative on your credit report.

  1. Submit a removal request to the credit bureau
  2. Dispute with the business that reported to the credit bureau
  3. Wait out the credit reporting time limit
  4. Send a "Pay for delete" offer to your creditor
  5. Make a goodwill request for deletion

How long will it take before a positive credit change is updated on a TransUnion credit report?

Watching your credit report for positive shifts is exciting, especially when it's prior to big life events like purchasing a house for the first time. The anticipation for these updates can feel like it lasts forever. But, while good credit news takes time just like any other update, there are ways to speed up this process.

Rapid rescoring can update a credit report within a few days instead of in the standard monthly or 45 day cycle. This rapid rescore can be especially helpful to meet a timeline for purchase. The only catch is, a rapid rescore can only be requested by a lender and not an individual. This rapid update also will typically have a fee associated with the process.

How long will a mistake stay on a TransUnion credit report?

Sometimes a person will find a mistake on a credit report. Oftentimes this mistake is as simple as a closed account that is still reflecting as open, but mistakes can also be more serious. It's difficult enough to build credit that a mistake can be highly stressful for those trying to build or rebuild credit, so removing this mark to get an updated credit report is highly important.

TransUnion typically updates any mistakes, referred to as a dispute, within 30 days. The credit reporting agency will not send updates on the process, but users can log in and follow the dispute status online.

How long will fraud stay on a TransUnion credit report?

Fraud that is listed on a credit report can be disrupted via the standard dispute process at TransUnion as well as the other primary credit reporting agencies. If this fraud is active, users can request a temporary credit freeze to stop new credit information from being reported by blocking new loans and debts. While an agency makes a good faith effort to update this information as quickly as it can be verified, sometimes additional measures must be taken. It is not generally recommended to apply for new loans or process applications while active fraud is occurring.

Once the imminent threat of fraud is resolved, a credit fraud alert may be added to an account for up to 7 years. This alert helps to flag any new and unauthorized activity on the account to help prevent future fraud claims. A fraud alert requires filing some additional paperwork including a police report.

How long it takes a TransUnion credit report to update really depends on the source of the information or the verification data provided. TransUnion will typically update given data within a day or two, but many reporting agencies do not provide updates more frequently than monthly. Faster updates may be possible when requested by a lender such as a rapid rescoring for a fee. Active fraud may also trigger a faster update, but it typically takes 30 days for a correction to a credit report to be processed. Monitoring credit is the fastest way to ensure accurate reports.

Created on: 04/16/24

Author: CreditLink Secure Blog Team

Tags: credit report, credit bureau , transunion , dispute , fraud , mistake , debt , bad debt,
